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The Noble gas elements (group #18) have atoms with complete outer shells. These elements are very stable and chemically nonreactive. These stable configurations are favoured states in nature and the electrons in them are in their lowest energy state.
One of the basic drives in nature is towards less energy. Atoms with configurations other that those of the Noble gases attempt to gain more stable configurations (having lower energy) by losing, sharing or gaining electrons.
The following assignments examine the various types of bonds formed between atoms and the properties and types of substances that can be created by these bond types.
Assignment #1: Types of Chemical Bonds
Using any or all of the following sources of information to answer the following questions.
  1. What are the three types of chemical bonds?
  2. Describe what happens to the atoms when each type of bond forms.
  3. What types of elements (metal or nonmetal) form each type of bond?
  4. What is a molecule?
  5. What types of bonds form molecular substances?
  6. List 4 properties of these types of substances?
  7. What is the difference between polar and nonpolar covalent bonds?
  8. How does this differences between the two types of covalent bonds affect the properties of the molecules that contain these bonds ?
  9. Network solids , Ionic solids and Metallic solids are all termed giant structures. Why?
    1. Describe the physical characteristics of a Network solids.
      • What types of network solids are there?
      • What types of bonds are found in network solids?
      • Provide two examples of network solids.
      • What are some of the practical applications of network solids?
      • Create a labeled diagram of a typical network solid
    2. Describe some of the physical characteristics of an Ionic solid?
      • What types of bonds are found in these solids?
      • Provide two examples of these solids.
      • What are some of the practical applications of Ionics solids?
      • Create a labeled diagram of a typical ionic solid.
  10. Answer the same questions as in question #9 but for Metallic solids.
  11. Explain what happens when metals form their giant structure. What factors affect the tensile strength of the metal?

Assignment #2: Table of Bonding Types
Using the sources of information from assignment #1 or the websites listed in assignment #1 , complete the following table .
Bond Type
Atoms that form bond
Type of Substance
General Properties of Substance



  Ionic solid    

  Metallic Solid    
Provide examples of each category of substance.

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