To calculate the gram molecular weight of a substance made up of more than one element (compound), we add up the atomic weights of the elements that comprised the compound. Atomic weight are listed in most periodic tables.
Example Ca(NO3)2
Element Number of Atoms Atomic Weight Total weight Ca 1 40.08 40.08 N 2 14.01 28.02 O 6 16.00 96.00 Gram Molecular weight ( Molar Mass ) ; 1 mole = 166.10 g
If the compound is a hydrate (containing water) then the mass of the water molecules is added to the weight of the other atoms.
Assignment #1: Calculations of Molar Mass
Calculate the gram molecular weight (molar mass) of the following compounds. Use the atomic weights listed in the following periodic table
Formula Molar Mass K3PO4 (NH4)2SO4 CuCO3 P4O6 Na3PO4 *10 H2O CO2 Pb(CH3COO)2 MnO2 Al(OH)3 TiCl4Click to download pdf file
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